Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I could always use more laundry, right?

Just because he is too cute for words, in my biased opinion anyway.  This picture was from Monday.

I can't get enough of this cheesy smile.

Isaac got hurt and Drew went straight to comfort him with big hugs.  Isaac was pleased, and the boo boo went away faster due to Drew.  Maybe Isaac is rubbing off on him after all.

So I entered Drew's room this morning at 6:15am and was immediately hit by the rank smell of puke.  I turned on the light which I usually don't do when I get him up.  He was covered in dried puke, as was his crib.  This tough guy slept in his own vomit.  He was pretty disgusted when he actually saw it though.  He was pointing and whining while I was trying to strip him down in the crib so I could take him straight to the bath.  He loves baths, so he took an hour long bath while I waited to see if more puke was to follow.  Luckily, it all seemed to be over.  He never got a fever like the other kids, and although he didn't each much most of the day (I kept him on the BRAT diet) and he stole some cuddles here and there he seemed fine the rest of the day.  I am not convinced it was the Norovirus that Genna and Isaac had since it was so fast, no diarrhea, and no fever, but I am not convinced that it wasn't either.  I stayed home with Drewy tonight while the rest of the family went to eat pancakes at the church for Shrove Tuesday.

This picture is from this evening.  While the big kids were getting their shoes and sweaters on, Drew brought me his shoes (albeit mismatched shoes) and when I wouldn't put them on he started trying to do it himself.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Several of mine have done that too...and when it happened while I was pregnant I must admit I was a little relieved (but also felt a bit guilty!) not to be woken during the night with it! ;)