Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Trips Without Me

 I feel like I am never home.  Really and truly, I am gone all the time.  I am supposedly a Stay at Home Mom, but so much for the promises of that title!  Part of it is keeping up with the activities of the children because if they weren't in activities they wouldn't have friends or time with peers, but a larger part of it is all our traveling and general sight seeing.  Any weekends that I used to have to catch up on things and clean are mostly filled.  So occasionally when trips come up that either a) I've already been on or b) I just am not that interested in, I will decline and stay home.  In these cases it was reason a that I chose to stay home.  I have been to Cologne and Bruges more than once.  I did take the opportunity to send kids with them though.  Hannah and Bobby stayed with me for the trip to Cologne.

Only Isaac was able to go with them to the overnight trip to Bruges.

Canal ride in Bruges.

Top of the bell tower in Bruges!

Eating waffles on the streets of Bruges.

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