Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Double Trouble

People keep asking me if the girls are twins, especially if they are sitting down, like at the grocery store. Sometimes I feel like they are since they are so close in age. Genna is going through a phase where she copies everything Hannah does at the moment. This kind of comes and goes. We've been in phases like this before and we've also been in phases where she wants to do the opposite thing Hannah does. So, at the moment, when Hannah says, "No, I don't want to clean up/go to bed," then Genna says the same thing and I have double the trouble. So, Hannah has been saying, "No" a lot lately, and so has Genna. I had to take away Hannah's most prized thing, her daily half hour of TV for many many days to get her to start obeying respectfully. Yesterday was the first day that she behaved and earned back her TV time. Her dad and I had talked to her about being my helper with her sister and brother. So, I just would remind her if she started to cause a problem that I need her to help me by showing Genna what I needed her to do. This worked like a charm since Hannah loves to help and teach her sister things. It was amazing because Genna would automatically change her mind too and obey as well. It certainly made my job easier yesterday and this morning too. I hope it lasts!

Genna had another potty success yesterday too! She is so funny because she wants to do it all by herself with the door closed, not like Hannah who would drag the potty all over the house to be in the same room as me. So, she closes the door and plays with dolls or purses while she sits on the potty. Then a while later I hear the excited joyful sounds, " I went pee pee!" She gets so excited! It's so cute!

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