Monday, July 14, 2008

The gifts at Mass

Yesterday at Mass, we carried the gifts to the altar as a family. We discussed it prior to Mass and went over what everyone would carry. Hannah had agreed to carry the collection plate since we thought she could do that all by herself. Well, when it came time to actually do it, she saw how much cooler the wine and water were to carry and changed her mind. I thought maybe she could do what Genna was doing and "help" me carry it, but that was not good enough and she started to try to pull it out of my hands as we walked down the aisle. So we were in a (hopefully) subtle tug-of-war match for a few steps until she gave up and took the collection from Brian and carried that up. I was getting a little nervous that we were going to drop it or spill it though. Whew! That would have been embarrassing!

This morning we said a tearful good bye to my parents as we dropped them off at the airport. When Mimi was explaining that she was leaving on the way to the airport, Genna said, "But then Mimi can't play with us, and that makes me so sad!" However, the girls were comforted to hear that their Nanna and Uncle James will be coming to play with them very soon!

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