Friday, July 25, 2008


Hannah invited me to a picnic in her room this afternoon. She had laid out a blanket perfectly straight and was still working on the food. I laid down next to the blanket on her gigantic stuffed dog (we have hard wood floors and that was all I could manage at this point.) Genna came to lay next to me on the blanket and wiggled around a bit. Hannah came to serve us food and noticed how wrinkled up and askew the blanket was and just about lost it. She was very upset. I tried to straighten it a bit without kicking Genna off the blanket, but it wasn't perfect. I told Hannah she had a choice, she could either have a picnic with people and a wrinkled blanket or she could have a picnic with a perfectly straight blanket without any people. I was hoping her social side would overtake her perfectionist side, but alas it did not. She chose the perfectly straight blanket. So, we ended up not having a picnic after all. She then decided she wanted to dance anyways once Genna and I left the room.

She gets this trait from me, of course. She is such a neat freak that she even tells me when I need to sweep or dust or whatever. After Hedwig, the cleaning lady, left yesterday (Yes, I actually hired someone to clean the house for 2 hours a week!), Hannah woke up from her nap and immediately started pointing out any dirt she left behind. I mean we don't have any carpet to absorb and hide dust or hairs, so it never looks perfect especially with kids and pets. I thought she did a great job. Hopefully, Hannah keeps this to herself when she comes back next week.

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