Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well, I just remembered that when I first found out I was pregnant before I went to the doctor, I had calculated my due date based on my specific chart and it was Aug 2nd. The doctor calculates it based on a "typical" cycle and told me July 30th. I accepted this since it was "close enough" at the time, but I should have made more of a mental note of it because when it comes time for that due date it's not "close enough."

Well, so far today has been an easy going day. The doctor told me to stay active, but that is easier said than done when you're not the one carrying an 8 pound (at least!) bowling ball strapped to your stomach in 88 degree weather where air conditioning is a luxury enjoyed only in the car and at the grocery store (oh, and at the hospital, which is just another reason I can't wait to have this child!) Anyways, I digress, back to my day today...Hannah had another highly enjoyable day at Vacation Bible School despite being a tad late because of some new construction going on that caused quite the detour. (Incidentally, this effects our trip to the hospital as well, so I am hoping it is a one day thing.) Hannah's teachers were disappointed to see that she was late because of a detour and not a new baby brother. Meanwhile, Genna ran the show at home, directing imaginary play with Nanna and Uncle James outside since the cleaning lady (there's probably a more politically correct word than that) was cleaning the floors inside. They hid from monsters and Big Bad Wolves and Genna saved the day by hitting them with a soft baseball bat. Kind of violent, I thought. When I brought Hannah back, they were all on a walk, so Hannah beat me in a game of Candy Land. Then lunch, and then nap time which I should be taking better advantage of right now...

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hey Kelle!

I had the same problem when I was waiting for William to come. The doctor calculated my date using our sonogram. But...our babies tend to run a bit on the large side. Our NFP date was 10 days later than the doctor's! Sooo...I was anxiously anticipating our latest little one way sooner than I should have (Richie came 2 days after 38 wks. & Andrew came 2 days before 38 wks.). After about a week of wondering why William wasn't coming, I just decided that I was going to go by the date that Richard & I calculated. Sure enough, William came at 38 wks. on the dot!

We will be praying for a safe & easy delivery; & healthy Mommy & Baby!

Rich & Mary =)