Thursday, February 18, 2010

Barber Shop Woes

Yep, we buzzed him again, but this time in a real barber shop. I thought he would like it since it makes a cool motorized sound, but Brian said he was none too thrilled even with the lollipop I sent (and the replacement lollipop when the first one dropped on the hairy floor). Father and son had good bonding time though. Isaac is just too cute, despite the tantrum phase we seem to be entering and the 5am wake up time. I've been through this enough times to know "This too shall pass." And I firmly stand by my statement that has been repeated to all my children many many times, "It's a good thing God made you so stinkin' cute!"

Here is a video of him talking a bit with a couple of my favorite phrases he says a lot these days. "Hold you Mama." "Have it please" sounds more like "Hab it peas."

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