Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Puff Ball Mania

Isaac's favorite thing to play with (with the exception of the Ikea wooden train set) is puff balls! Puff balls are actually little craft pom poms. I got a small bag in the states for high chair play (transferring into cups, sorting colors, etc.) He became obsessed with them and I caved and let him play with them around the house. It makes quite the mess, but he is entertained for what feels like forever so I don't care. I may just start giving these as birthday presents for one year olds! They're cheap, they are small, and they are so much more fun than plastic toys apparently!

Here is a random thing I gave him for high chair play. Cut up paper towel roll and a paper towel holder to stack them on, what more could a little guy want? And I got to do the dishes without "help!"

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