Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Harper's Ferry Day Trip

We spent Saturday afternoon in Harper's Ferry with some old friends.  Our kids had never met before, but they had a great time together just as I suspected they would.  They only had girls, and my girls were in heaven.  Poor Isaac though!  Really he is a good sport about it, but I know he gets bored especially the time when they all went into a jewelry shop to look around.

You feel sorry for the cutie, don't you?  He's thinking, "Man, I wish there was a store full of weapons for me to look at."
 Poor Drew didn't ever give in and take his afternoon nap while we were there.  I was really surprised about that, but I guess there was too much fun happening to even recline in the stroller.  He sat ramrod straight the whole time, and never even leaned back.

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