Sunday, August 12, 2007

Potty dances and a bruised face

Well, the potty dances belong to Hannah. She has finally started doing a "potty dance" to alert me that she needs to be encouraged to head to the bathroom! I can't tell you how happy this makes me since I was just having to keep her on a potty schedule. Sometimes she goes without being asked/reminded, but now if she doesn't I know when to remind her. Hooray! She is doing great with only one accident since the couch incident, and that was right in front of the potty. She just didn't quite make it there! I've never been so happy about an accident!

The bruised face belongs to Genna. She is really unaware of her surroundings! I guess that's a baby thing, but Hannah was always so cautious I didn't notice this with her. Genna has a bad habit of getting too excited (or sometimes upset) and throwing her head into a pillow, a couch, or a bed. She doesn't look first though and many times has wacked her head on a wall or a hard toy in the way. This time it was the edge of our end table (which is getting a soft cushiony thing put on it now). The couch is pushed up against the end table, and she thought she was throwing herself into the soft couch. However, she miss and got the edge of the table with her cheek. I am telling the truth, not 10 seconds passed before there was a dark purple line across her cheek. Poor thing! She only cried a few minutes, and it doesn't seem to bother her now (unless I wipe her face too hard on that side). I am glad she is resilient, but it hurts me everytime I look at that beautiful face with the horrible bruise on it. I would gladly go through natural childbirth again to spare my babies the pain of living and learning.

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