Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tomorrow's the day we've all been waiting for!

Daddy comes home! I, for one, can't wait, and the kids are getting antsy too. Hannah prayed at naptime, "God, please, bring Daddy home safe and sound!" We usually just pray the Angelus, and I add in a couple prayers usually asking for the girls to take a LONG nap so I can get things done. But when we finished the Angelus, Hannah added in her own prayer for her daddy! So sweet! I know her daddy will be happy to hear how loved and missed he was these two weeks. Plus, we have another surprise for him when he gets home, Hannah has memorized the Angelus as well! I am so proud of my big girl! It is certainly no short prayer for a 2 1/2 year old. I love how she says the words "Incarnation" and "Resurrection." It's so cute!

Hannah got a nasty bump on her head today. We were waiting for the car next to us to pull out so I could get the girls in the car seats, and when it pulls out we start walking to the back door. I have Hannah's hand, and I kind of stop her with my hand before I swung open the door. She is not paying attention because she is saying "thank you" to the lady in the car (I give her credit for good manners) and keeps walking right into the edge of the door as I am opening it. I can't tell you how many times this has almost happened because she isn't paying attention. This time, however, I was rushing and didn't catch it in time. She has a big bump on her forehead! I am just glad she is short and it didn't get her eye. The way things are going lately, someone around here is going to turn me in to CPS. All is well, and all will be better tomorrow when daddy returns to rescue us from ourselves!

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