Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Pack o' Kids

Genna is so sweet! She has been great today when the medicine keeps her fever below 102, but when it wears off she is a mess. Bless her heart! She's been such a trooper about postponing her party!

Hannah is more upset than Genna about the postponement, possibly because she is older or possibly because she feels like partying and Genna doesn't. Hannah learned to start a zipper all by herself, by the way!

Here she's blowing her daddy a kiss! Catch, Daddy!

Isaac said his third word today, "Hannah!" It was in both of the girls' first dozen words too because it is so easy to say for babies. I even got him to say it on the phone to my mom. He doesn't often "perform" so I was excited about that. Hannah always did "perform," but not my other two.

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