Monday, November 8, 2010

Isaac's Our Father

Isaac: Our Fader, Who art in heaven,
Hawowed be Dy Name.
Dy Kingdom come.
Dy Will be done. What's done, Mom?

Me: Done means finished. (continue the prayer)

Isaac: on earf as it is in Heaben. Give us dis day. What's day, Mom?

Me: All the time we are awake.
(continue the prayer)

Isaac: our daily bwead. What's bwead, Mom?

Me: (sigh) Isaac, you know what bread is. We eat it.
(continue the prayer)

Isaac: And forgive us our tespasses. What's tesspasses, Mom?

Me: Sin, Isaac
(continue the prayer)

Isaac: as we forgive dose who tespass against us.
And lead us not. What is not, Mom?

Me: (Ignore and continue on with prayer)

Isaac: into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. What's evil, Mom?

Me: Evil is the devil. Amen.

Isaac: Ahhhmen.

That was one exhausting prayer! I know my answers weren't the best, but I think he was just doing it to distract us from our prayer since he was asking what bread is. It was amusing to say the least.

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