Thursday, November 4, 2010

What is it about Daddy?

The kids seem to think Daddy hung the moon or something. Seriously. We all know Hannah all but worships the ground he walks on. But check this out. If the word strong is mentioned in conversation, Isaac, as if on cue, says, "like Daddy is!" I strongly suspect brainwashing in this case.

And just the other day, we were talking about inventions after reading about the invention of the ice cream cone. Genna busts out with, "Yeah, like our daddy invented electricity!" Ha! If only I got so much credit! It turns out the reason she thought this is because Brian has been replacing outlets lately and having to turn off and back on the electricity. Ah ha, let there be electricity! But still, I mean, why not say "Yeah, like Mommy invented cake!" or something. After all I do bake all the cakes in this house. Or how about "Yeah, like Mommy invented the washing machine!" They probably think Daddy invented the washing machine too. Why? Well, for Mommy to use because he just that loving!

1 comment:

Kelle said...

i think it is probably the good looks...