Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our Tadpole

I got the call today from the genetic counselor today with the results of the blood test to check for higher numbers of chromosome 18 (and a few other common ones).  Despite how sure I was that everything was okay, when I heard who it was I had to hold my breath and have a panicky moment.  I really haven't been worrying at all which is just unheard of since I am a big worry wart.  Anyway, she told me immediately that everything is good and there were no increased numbers of chromosomes.  I couldn't really respond to her because I started crying immediately and could barely talk.  The lady was super sweet, and I am sure she understood my relief.  The kids were all panicking though when they saw mom crying on the phone.  I reassured them it was a happy cry until I could talk and explain in more detail.  So Tad is healthy as far as we all know!  Praise God for that!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Praise God!! So good.