Wednesday, August 6, 2008

D+7, "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

41 weeks and counting! John Steinbeck really knew what he was talking about. I am quite the planner too. I have a NST (non-stress test) on Friday morning that it looks like I am going to make it to.

Yesterday, Brian's family from England arrived for a visit. It is like a mini family reunion here! They rented a car this morning to go do some shopping and sightseeing in Zweibrucken and Saarbrucken. However, the rental car broke down just down the road, so they are hanging around Queidersbach today. I can't believe how many things are going awry.

I had big plans to take Genna swimming today while Hannah was at school, but Hannah woke up with a fever of 101.8 so she didn't get to go to school today. I can't believe she's sick on her 3rd day of school! The girls haven't been sick since February, but I guess being in school is going to bring a whole string of illnesses to which we would otherwise not be exposed. Plus, I am starting to feel a bit under the weather myself which is really bad timing since I am supposed to be having a baby soon. I have been dying to get in a swimming pool, but I suppose it is not to be. I'll have to settle for a bath.

Tonight Brian is taking them to Zum Storkennest for their Midwoch Schnitzel Abend (Wednseday Schnitzel Evening), but I am going to stay here with the girls.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that you are still awaiting Isaac's arrival! I check ur blog every day, hoping there is no post (since you won't post if your in the hospital). I hope he makes his debut soon for you.

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a relaxing evening and I hope Hannah is feeling better! Call me in the afternoon tomorrow.