Friday, August 8, 2008


I just got back from my NST and everything looks fine. The baby's heart rate and my amniotic fluid level were good. I am still between 3 and 4 cms, but I am 80% effaced and at a zero station. The midwife who does all these tests said it looks like anytime now, but I have my doubts. The closer my impending induction date (August 11th, Monday) gets the less hope I have of avoiding it. I am just feeling a little discouraged now. I didn't sleep much last night mostly because of having so many contractions. They were 10 minutes apart and getting stronger, and I was convinced that I would not make it to my NST appointment. The contractions are continuing and they got a few while monitoring me. They did say I need to try to avoid stress and relax, but that's easier said than done.

Hannah was the other reason I didn't get much sleep. Her fever spiked around 2am and it took medicine, a cool wash cloth, and a Popsicle to get it down below 102 which seems to be her comfort zone. When it's above 102, she is miserable. I read a couple more chapters of The Wizard of Oz to her for about an hour while she licked her Popsicle and we waited on the fever to subside. Poor thing was shivering and miserable, but kept saying what a special occasion it was that she got a popcycle and a story in the middle of the night. It was kind of nice to spend some quiet time with just her actually, and it reminded me of The Princess Bride where the grandpa reads the story to the little boy when he's sick.

Well, I'm going to attempt to take it easy today! Brian is off work, so maybe it will be possible.

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