Sunday, November 1, 2009

All Our Saints for All Saint's Day!

Yesterday we made eight saints out of mini popcycle sticks, felt, and foam. I got this idea from this creative mom. Her spoon saints looked much cuter than our popcycle ones. This craft turned out to be just a bit difficult for the girls even though I did all the cutting and put them in individual kits. Hannah needed less help, but she way overglued and it took all night for them to dry. I'll have to come up with an easier way to do this next year. I am thinking that contruction paper or card stock would definitely have been easier for them to glue than the felt. I ended up stapling them in a few places because the glue wasn't holding up. I covered the staples on all of them except for St Francis of Asissi. I chose our family patron saints and a few others that are favorites. And, of course, the Queen of Saints could not be left out!
From left to right on the back row: St. Martha (my patron saint, holding a broom), St. Genevieve (Genna's saint, holding a candle), Mary Queen of Saints(with a crown and a heart), St. Clare (Hannah's saint, holding a monstrance). Then on the front row: St. Agnes (holding a lamb), St. Francis of Assisi (holding a bird), St. Alban (Daddy's saint, with a sword), and St. Thomas the Apostle (Isaac's saint, holding a scroll).
The girls also made pumpkins on paper plates.

The girls and I started all these projects in the morning during Isaac's nap, but they got bored and so we finished it all up while they were dressed in costumes (from their Mimi's dress up box) and we handed out candy to trick-or-treaters last night.

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