Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh, how I love thee, let me count the ways: Part 3

And last, but certainly not the least...


I love how he nods his head "Yes" when I ask him a question! It is with such gusto! Like he is saying, "Yes, Mommy, that is what I have been trying to tell you!"

I love how cuddly and snugly he is! My favorite is snuggling my face right in his neck!

I love his carefully planted kisses! He does it so slow and deliberately when giving kisses to me on the lips. But then he also kisses me randomly on my collarbone when I am praying and singing with him before bed time.

I love the way he says the word "bubbles." His cheeks kind of shake...I could eat him!

I love when he tells other kids "no" when they are doing something wrong. I'm telling you almost everything this kid does, I find irresistible!

I love how much of a boy he is, always getting excited about things with wheels and motors when all he sees all day are his sisters coloring and playing dolls.

I love his baby breath.

I love that he likes men so much and will probably have an easy time bonding with dad when he gets back.

I love that he is so very tough! I have the wussiest girls in the world, and I was beginning to think that it was my fault. Now I feel proud to have a son who can have a whelp on his head and not even know when he got it because he doesn't cry about it. That's my little Soldier!

I love (and am freakishly proud) how huge he is! I wear his birth weight like a medal and get so excited when is off the charts at his well baby appointments.

I love his chub! I mentioned his cheeks, but I also love his tummy and his thighs...so squeezable!

I love his jibber jabber! The girls just talked and really didn't do this at all, so it is new to me.

I love cue ball head! It is a good rubbing head. His daddy loves a good rubbing head!

I love his feet! They are big and chubby too! Size 5 already. I think the girls were two years at least before they wore that size. I also love his big and chubby hands!

I love how he is ticklish on the back of his neck. If I mess with his tag or something his shoulders come up and he smiles and giggles. So sweet!

I love his serious look that he gives people as he figures them out.

I love his eye-disappearing smile when I ask him to smile for the camera.

I love what a great traveler he is. I was worried since he is more active than the girls, but he did great on the 9 hour flights!

I love his hazel eyes. My only child so far that doesn't have blue eyes! They look great with camo colors. :)

I love that he loves to go outside, although right now it is hard to do with all the cold rain and wind here.

I love when he dances to music! So cute!

I love when he sings "Ashes, ashes, ah fah dowwwwn!"

I love to see him with his sisters! He looks up to them so much and always tries to copy them. He just adores them and has a blast with them.

And so ends my trilogy, but never my love. I am sure I have missed a million things!

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