Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How do you feel about track lighting?

I really don't like it! You always hear, "Oh, it has track lighting!" followed by oohs and aahs. So you might even say, "What! How can you say you don't like track lighting? Well, let me just tell you!

We have it in all five of our bedrooms and in the kitchen. I always have a light out somewhere! Always! I can't keep up! These German bulbs are not cheap either, so I just can't bring myself to stock up. Plus, they have fuses that go out and have to be replaced too. So that is how I can say I don't like track lighting!

Today I was changing light bulbs while the girls were having quiet time and Isaac was napping. I was quietly carrying a chair over to the kitchen to stand on, when the side of it hit the counter and I dropped it on my toes. Ouch! It is still throbbing as I write this seven hours later, and now it is black and blue too. So no, I do not like track lighting! And then the baby woke up! I am a little bitter towards the track lighting, can you tell?

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