Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sign your heart out!

Since Isaac is doing so well with signing and is not the clearest talker I've ever had, I have been wanting to add more signs to his repertoire. I had this great book, Signing Smart, but I lent it out and never got it back. So I searched on the internet (after my eldest daughter gave me the nudge by asking how to sign the word cook.) I came across the most amazing site called Signing Savvy! They have video demonstration for any word you search for. And Isaac came over as I was showing Hannah the video for the word cook, and he started laughing and copying it immediately! It was adorable, but then again I seem to think anything he does right now is adorable! Well, almost anything! Standing on the couch isn't so cute.

I am all caught up on posting now! I haven't forgotten about my promised trilogy post, I just have had too much else to post lately!

1 comment:

Amy said... is also a great site for signing videos. They also have a section for baby signs. I taught Hannah to sign before she could talk and had comments from church nursery workers about how great it was to know what she wanted even though she could speak the words yet. I have already been working with Gabriel (7 months) with simple signs. I hope to be able to do even more. Hannah (now 3.5 yrs) loves to learn a new sign each day!