Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Hero!

Just look at what my husband did for me! He made me this bookshelf!

It goes so nicely in this room too, the dining room/formal sitting room, our most grown-up room with no toys.

And look at his attention to detail! I certainly wasn't expecting that, but I probably should have though, knowing what a perfectionist he is.

It is an adult bookshelf with none of the kids' books on it. I still have two big baskets of books in between the couches on the other side of kid's books. They would never put them back on the shelf nicely. The bookshelves in the kids' rooms are a losing battle to keep neat.

1 comment:

Rich said...

Wow! That's a nice bookshelf. Did he do the molding on the top too? I like the stain.