Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our Peter Rabbit Predicament

Despite our best efforts, the rabbits have made it into our garden. Not only that, they have made a nest and had babies right in between my two tomato plants! I had noticed digging, and was wondering what the culprit was. I was checking for bugs and such when I saw a pile of hair and grass in the garden and thought, stupidly that it was a bird or something that wasn't there.

I start ripping it apart and realized it went pretty deep and there was movement down in the hole. Then I see ears and think maybe it is mice. Well, it is a nest of tiny baby bunnies. If you look really closely in the next picture you can see them all huddled up asleep. I didn't want to bother them too much more to get a better picture.

We just don't have the heart to move them. I guess the plan is to watch and wait until they get big enough to venture out of the nest. Then we will chase them out and put a better barrier around the garden. I have some good looking tomato and cucumber plants that I am praying do not get destroyed in the meantime. Look at our first cukes!

1 comment:

J M Yaceczko said...

oooh, bunnies. I love bunnies. We had voles last year - really awful things that took bites out of our just about to turn red tomatoes and then dropped them on the ground. Really frustrating. I wish you luck! Congrats on the gorgeous cukes!