Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gifts made with love for their littlest brother

Craft time on the front porch!

The kids made Speck these little gifts last week. We were really hoping to be able to put his name on them, but we can't wait any longer. We will add his name to them whenever my darling husband picks a name for sure. I found fabric markers on sale at Joann's and pulled out a couple of white onesies and a plain pillowcase for them to decorate. Hannah did a beautiful sailboat pillowcase to go with his room. Her lighthouse, on the other side and unfortunately not pictured here, was also stunning. Genevieve did a sailboat picture on the front and an American flag on the back of her onesie. Isaac got frustrated by the fabric moving when he was trying to draw and resorted to making dots. So I traced his hand and wrote "Isaac loves me" on it to make it less of a mess. We helped him make a spider on it as well, since that's what he wanted to draw before frustration set in.

1 comment:

Becca said...

what sweet gifts! I'm sure Spec will treasure them.