Saturday, August 6, 2011

Take me out to the ballgame!

We have been planning this outing all summer. Brian really wanted to take the kids to a baseball game now that we are back in America and the Frederick Keys are just a half hour away. We finally decided that we had better do it on a Thursday night so the summer didn't slip by us. Part of me wanted Brian to just take the kids because I was afraid that I would be too uncomfortable and tired (by that time of day) to enjoy it. I am glad I went though! The bench was uncomfortable, but otherwise I was fine. I mean, look at me! At 36 weeks pregnant, comfortable is not a word that is even in my vocabulary right now.

Pregame Genna and Isaac wanted a picture with Miss Frederick, "the princess," as they called her.

I mentioned we prepared for this outing. I checked out books at the library on the game for the kids to help teach them the rules in hopes that it would keep their interest more. Genna, who often lives in another world, did the best as far as paying attention and showing off her knowledge of the game by asking questions periodically like, "Was that a fly ball, Mom?"

Isaac enjoyed it, and knows most of the rules, but had trouble waiting until the pitcher would throw the ball. So he missed a lot of the action by turning away just when the play was underway. It reminded me of myself at an Aggie football game.

Hannah had all the rules and stuff memorized, but was more interested in what I brought in our bag than what was happening on the field. I brought a bag of coloring books and such in case they got too bored. It is a long game. Turned out they barely used it anyway.

Our neighbors came too, and that means we actually got a picture of Brian and I together. "Woa!" was all I could say when I saw the picture since my belly is in the foreground and kind of takes up the whole picture.

All in all, we had a great time, and I am happy that I got to experience this great American past time with the kids for the first time. I asked Isaac when I was tucking him in if he had fun, and he said that he did but he was confused why he didn't get to play in the game too.

One of the books we read taught the kids the "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" song. So we sang that while daddy was getting us our hot dogs. Another good reason for us to go on a Thursday night...50 cent hot dogs!

The kids were looking forward to cotton candy, but they didn't have any this time, so they settled for these gigantic lollipops and a ride on the carousel.

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