Saturday, August 13, 2011

A wonderful visit from friends!

Some wonderful friends came to visit for the day earlier this week.

My kids couldn't get enough of this adorable baby which bodes well for me and Drew, I guess. They all wanted to hold him and sing to him, and Hannah even was begging us to wake him from his nap so she could hold him some more. I told her that just is the craziest thing any mom has ever heard. Wake a baby just to hold him? I don't think so. That's a quick way to put a mom in a bad mood.

Isaac's buddy loved Hannah and followed her around a lot. It is always a joy to spend time with these friends from out of town. These two boys are so sweet and fun!

Isaac and his buddy are only four months apart. They both have a love for all things with wheels on them.

I wish we lived closer to each other! After Drew is here and settled, we will have to make a trip to see them.

1 comment:

Becca said...

great pictures! and full of cute kids :)