Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I've never done anything to make these girls this crazy before!

What did I do? and what kind of crazy did it make them? are the questions I am sure you are asking right now. Well, I reorganized their bedroom in half an hour while Daddy took them outside after dinner. The kind of crazy they went was a good crazy. When they came in, not having known what I was doing in the house, they were so excited and shocked that their room looked so different in such a short time. Here are some of the comments they were yelling to me and to each other:

"Oh, my goodness, Genna, you have got to come see our room! It is BEAUTIFUL!"

"How did you do this so fast, Mom?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the best mom EVER!"

"I love it!"

"Genna, we cannot mess up our room tomorrow!"

"Hannah, we have to make our beds extra nice in the morning so our whole room will look so beautiful!"

Wow, with all the squeals, "thank you's," and hugs, you would think I bought them all new stuff for the room or something! It was amazing. They drug their daddy and brother in to see. When they asked how I did it so fast, I said, "Well, I didn't have anyone asking me for anything." The reply was, "Wow, we need to leave Mom alone more often!" Funny girls!

I was tired of looking at the Barbie house when I walked into the room and thought their reading corner was not getting it's full use lately with them always reading in the middle of the room or on their beds. Then I found these storage seat ottomans on sale for $7 each when they were regularly $20 each, and I bought the limit which was only two.

Here is the new reading area with the book shelf and the sit and store ottomans holding lots of stuffed animals.

Here is the new Barbie corner which is totally out of view when you walk in the room.

Yes, a mere four days away from my due date, I moved the bookshelf and slid the bed over a bit all on my own. And yet, still no baby! So I guess I can't really brag about it unless it put me into labor like it was supposed to, right? Nothing does. I could climb Everest on my due date and not go into labor. Remember this crazy stunt three days after my due date with Isaac!

I also switched around Isaac's room again to give him a spot to read. He liked it, but was not nearly as enthused as the girls were. He was a little disappointed that his reading corner was not an actual corner. He asked if we could move some walls around. But he looks pretty cozy so I think we won't be moving any walls around.

Drew's room is finished except for two final touches. I have been waiting to post about it until we get these last couple things up on the wall. So, it will be ready soon. I was testing out a theory that if you aren't ready for the baby months in advance (like I usually am) then Murphy's Law comes in to play and gives you a baby before your due date. It didn't work, so I will go ahead and pack those bags and get his room finished up here soon.

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