Saturday, August 27, 2011

Will Drew come when he's due?

That is the question. I have been having tons of contractions, but as I found out with Isaac that doesn't mean a whole lot. Even though they can be as close together as 3-5 minutes and some a mildly painful, they just always seem to spread back out.

I went to the doctor yesterday at, 39 weeks, and Drew's heartbeat was slower than normal, but not slow enough to cause alarm, apparently. At first, they were going to send me in for a non-stress test. Then they changed their mind and did an ultrasound instead. Drew looked great on the ultrasound with a steady heartbeat and responded to movement well with the appropriate amount of increase in heart rate. He is posterior, as I suspected, but I suppose this is better than breech. I have never had a posterior baby and hear it is much harder labor with back pain. Not looking forward to that!

I had a midwife and doctor see me this time and they disagreed on the projected size of my baby. The midwife told me she guessed 8 lbs or so. Then the doctor said, he'll be bigger than Isaac was. I believe his exact phrasing was, "over 10 lbs for sure." I am certain the midwife is wrong and, frankly, hoping the doctor is too. Can't I just have a 9 lb baby?

Drew is the feistiest in utero baby I have had yet. So I although I hope and pray for an easy-going, good-sleeping baby, I am not holding my breath. He is constantly moving and moving big! I don't think he sleeps much in there. Can I hope he is just an active sleeper?

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