Monday, September 8, 2008

The girl who cried wolf...

Hannah is constantly saying she has a head ache, sore throat, or tummy ache or even a combination of the three so much so that I barely even hear her anymore. So when she said I have a fever this morning, I thought to myself Whatever. I felt her head as I was saying, "No, you don't. You're fine," but then she did feel a little warm. I took her temp and she actually did have a fever, who knew? I was the same way when I was little, always pretending to be sick for attention, and so I didn't have to go to school. My parents started never believing me as well. I had a broken finger for a week before my mom believed me and took me to the doctor. Who can blame her though? I cried wolf way too many times. Well, what goes around comes around, I guess.

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