Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yet another trip to the ER!

I guess I should just get used to this, huh? Hannah bumped her chin on the tile floor and somehow cut it pretty deep. I didn't see it happen, but she said she was scooting on her tummy and her chin went into the floor. She ended up with 3 stitches! My poor baby! I am so thankful that it wasn't on the front of her face and that it wasn't too bad. She was super brave! I was surprised since she's usually my overly dramatic one. She didn't cry much at all when it happened and not at all when they did the stitches. Luckily they had a kid's movie in the room on so she was totally distracted. After we left, she asked me why they were pulling all that hair out of her chin. :) I guess the sutures looked like hair to her. Brian was out of town for the day and so all the kids and I had to go to the ER. Genna had a little crush on the male doctor. While he was finishing up with Hannah, Genna says, "Doctor, I love you." The doctor gave the girls princess crowns before we left. Genna asked the doctor to put hers on for her. He said that was the first time he had been asked to do that. We barely made it home in time for me to go to the parent-teacher night at Hannah's kindergarten. I don't know why I rushed, it was all in German and I was so tired. I only caught every 4th or 5th word anyway.

Here she is:

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Poor thing! What a day!