Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Isaac laughed for the first time a couple of nights ago-in his sleep after I nursed him. I mean a really good chuckle! I forgot how different baby laughs are from toddler ones. I can hardly wait until he is doing it when he's awake.

Isaac also seems to have his first case of the sniffles. The girls were much older when they had their first sniffles, but that trip to the ER seems to have given all three of the kiddos the sniffles. There is no fever or even crankiness with it, but it does seem to be making it hard for Isaac to sleep at night as well as he was before. The sleep interruptions didn't faze him at all, in fact he was even more smiley this morning than usual. The battery died on the camera so I missed a great chance to catch more smiles on camera.

Since he is almost 2 months, I am trying to work him into a schedule of some kind. Today he has been doing well with falling asleep unassisted after his wake time. In fact, if I am not paying attention to his sleep cues he will just drift off where ever he is, but I am shooting for the crib for nap times. The girls tend to wake him up otherwise.
I added our current reading lists to the side bar of the blog. All except for Brian's because it is football season and that is taking up all his free time at night.
It is very cold again today. Brian promised Hannah this morning that he would make a fire and have hot chocolate with her tonight. She was so looking forward to it that she wanted to save her PB&J sandwich to have with the hot chocolate in front of the fire. How funny! I told her she could eat dessert or something after dinner instead of going hungry until then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

funny you should ask... i was just thinking how in yesterdays entry, Isaac looks exactly like Genna in the last pic when he's in the baby bjorn with you.