Friday, September 19, 2008

What's really important?

Even if your not Catholic, you should watch this. It brought tears to my eyes.

Here is the link:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was very moving. i wish the whole world could understand morals and values but the sad truth is some people are never taught this (im esp finding in the work that i do). so in the meantime we are leaft with GENERATIONS of people who are parentless and guideless and are feeling the repercussions of this. they dont know right from wrong. they dont go to church bc they dont have parents. and the list goes on and on. i used to stand pretty staunch on my views but im finding them hard to live up to these days with my naiviety gradually disappearing due to all the things i see. im realizing some of the issues at hand are so not important to some people's daily lives and they have to do what they can to just survive. we are the lucky ones. our lives are pretty cut and dry. of course gas isnt THAT important, and of course WE wouldnt have an abortion, etc. but what do we do with people who arent so fortunate as us? what should they do? i wish i had more answers. i love my republican ideals and the candidates rock! and i will certainly be casting my vote in that direction. but it doesnt mean our world will be refaced and everyone will start repecting life. i have to keep that in mind. i know its faithless and skeptical. my weaknesses sometimes.