Thursday, September 4, 2008

More of our #1 Boy!

I'm sure you're all thinking I have forgotten how to take pictures of the girls since it seems all I've been posting are pictures of Isaac lately. You see, I don't want him to have some skimpy photo album and baby book, so I got to keep up! However, I will make more of an effort to catch my princesses on camera in the near future.

It seems Isaac is the sleepiest boy ever! Although my mom swears my baby brother slept even more. So far it seems I have had my mother's 3 children all over again, although Hannah and Genna have traded some of mine and my sister's characteristics off so as to make new combinations of us(and of course, there is a bit of Brian in them as well even though it is sometimes hard to see it).

Tuesday: This is the outfit he came home in and now it barely fits him.

Wednesday evening: We had to change into his night shirt early since he had a blow out and messed up his clothes. Daddy made a fire and he was chilling out looking at it here. It is chilly here, but he sleeps swaddled in a blanket which is why I have him in a t-shirt at night.

Wednesday night: His very first bath! Even though it looks like he didn't like it, he actually was very content until I got his Daddy to grab the camera as I was finishing up. Of course, then he got really mad.

Thursday morning: Usually he's awake after our 7am nursing for a while, but today he was totally out. I even changed him into the outfit in the next picture below this one and then he went back to sleep while I was getting ready. So far he hasn't been awake today at all except to eat and poop and get his diaper changed. I guess I should have rotated this picture...oh well!

Sleeping babies are such angels!

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