Monday, September 1, 2008

My Sweet Hannah

Well, I was talking to Hannah about her birthday party theme (I know I am planning way ahead), and I suggested a pajama party, not a sleep over, just a party where the kids where their jammies, eat pizza, and play games. I have a good idea for a cake, and I told her what it was. She thought that would be a great idea, and then she added, "And then we can all go to the grocery store!" I was confused! She explained that they have cakes there, and then I understood. I said, "No, baby, that's for people who don't know how to make cakes or don't like to make them. I love to make cakes! I'll make one for you." She seemed a tiny bit disappointed, but decided that was ok with her. Maybe all the kids who's moms don't make their cakes want them to and all the kids who's moms do make their cakes don't want them to. The grass is always greener...

On a seperate note, about Hannah and her friend, Quinn, he appears to be smitten with her. Before we went to their house yesterday, he asked his mom if he looked handsome. She asked why and he replied, "You know, Mom, for my girlfriend." She asked who that was and he said it was Hannah. How sweet and, hopefully, completely innocent!

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