Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2 weeks old!

Drew was 2 weeks old yesterday and had his doctor appointment.

Drew weighs 10 pounds and 3 ounces today, almost to his birth weight. Drew is 95th percentile for height and weight and 75th percentile for his head circumference. That explains why he looks big, but his head looks small to me.

He got his PKU test today and didn't cry with the heal stick. He did, however, cry for his weight check since he had to be naked. It was a long long day at the doctor, but it was just Drew and me so that was a blessing. We were there for nearly three hours. The recent hospital merger was truly a disaster in my opinion.

My laundry helper!

At two weeks he is still impossible to keep awake after majority of feedings. I guess a schedule isn't possible just yet, but we are working towards it with a consistent morning wake time of 7am and attempting to get him to stay awake after each day time feeding at least a little. Most nights, after his 10 or 10:30pm dream feed, he is waking to nurse at 2 or 3am and again at 5am. One night he woke at 3am only which was really nice for me, but I am sure that is not permanent. Now that we know he is gaining weight well, I am going to move to a 2 1/2 to 3 hour schedule during the daytime.

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