Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First Mass for Drew

I am sure you have seen my updated blog header with our newest addition to our pew. Drew and I missed Mass last week because we were at the hospital doing the upper GI and all that mess. And although the kids have asked me nearly everyday when we are going to daily Mass again, I have just not quite been getting enough sleep to get up that early on purpose yet. So, this past Sunday was Drew's first Mass at 12 days old. He fell asleep on our way in and slept through the whole thing which left me in some discomfort since he normally would have nursed at that time. Drew caused quite the stir before and after Mass and got loads of attention and lots of Wow's over his size and altogether lack of newborn-ness.

With the car seat, we almost filled up our normal front pew, but not quite, for those of you wondering. The big question of the hour is

Are we done yet?

The answer is

Only God knows!

1 comment:

Becca said...

I love the picture!