Saturday, September 24, 2011

Accidental Smiles and Sleeping

We have all been enamored with these smiles as he is drifting off to sleep.

The first week, we couldn't lay him down without being swaddled or he got quite fussy, but this week he has been totally different. He prefers to sleep on his side if he is not swaddled, but sometimes he's too tired to care. If we do manage to keep him awake for a while he tends to get too awake and then has trouble settling into sleep. That's when I resort to tummy sleeping for now. That usually only happens once or twice a day, and he is usually in the same room as we are then. All these pictures are of him napping in the middle of the living room floor.

At night he is still sleeping in the Moses basket next to my bed. He is swaddled with the Miracle Blanket on his back with a slight side tilt. I use sleep positioners for that.

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