Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Over Cooked Turkey

I very appropriately, however accidentally, over cooked our turkey cutlets for dinner tonight. Drew is my other over cooked turkey! I guess I have a problem with over cooking.

I don't, truthfully, mind still being pregnant. Yes, I have my uncomfortable moments and sleeping isn't quite so sound, but overall I am content with Speck inside. However, it isn't easy to watch friend after friend have their babies before me. I am always the last. I guess I should remember my sweet Genevieve's attitude here and just say to myself, "Oh well, those who are last on earth will be first in Heaven." I can't help but want to cuddle my Speck that I have grown to know and love already, but I know it will happen one day soon.

The only real problems I see with cooking this guy a little longer is size and induction. Being that Isaac was 10 pounds 4 ounces and 10 days late, I just was hoping to avoid Drew getting that big, or, dare I say, even bigger. Plus, I was induced with Hannah and those 10 hours were worse than at least 24 of the 26 hours I was in labor with Isaac. Pitocin is a killer without an epidural. So, I beg for prayers that Drew Bear will come before he is too big and before they force an induction on me.

Today, we went to Mass, did school work, and went to the library to get some fish books for Science. Then I met a friend at Burger King to let the kids play because it has been raining here and there is no end in sight. After that, we napped/rested and then did our art lesson. Nothing too exciting today! The over cooked turkey cutlets came next and then clean up and bedtime. Kind of the same ol' thing. Soon enough chaos will ensue with crying hungry baby and diaper changes inserted into this routine every couple of hours. I am reading the kids Pollyanna right now at bedtimes, and if we were playing the "glad game," I would say I am glad that, at least for now, we have a good routine going with only periodic chaos.

Unfortunately, contractions spread out even more today and became less painful. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

1 comment:

Rich said...

Hang in there! We're waiting, too!