Monday, September 26, 2011

Snaggle Tooth

Hannah lost her top tooth on Saturday. The other top one looks really close to coming out too. It is all crooked now with nothing to hold it in there. This is tooth #3. This is a milestone I have been dreading because it messed up her smile, who wants big old adult teeth in a tiny little mouth anyway. And wouldn't you know that we have professional pictures scheduled for this week!

The bad news is she dropped the tooth down the sink drain while obsessively rinsing the blood out of her mouth. She hates all the blood. So before she went to bed, she asked me to write a note to the tooth fairy explaining. I told her she could write it. She then said she needs help spelling all the words. This is literally while I am trying to tuck everyone into bed. I said, "Well, just tell me what to write, and I will bring it in here in a minute." This is what she had me write:

Dear Tooth Fairy,

Can you please still give me money? I dropped my tooth down the drain.

Love, Hannah

And what do you know? It worked! She is now the proud owner of another dollar bill.

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