Friday, September 9, 2011

Surprising News

I spent a good 5 hours at the doctor this morning. That was pretty much the bulk of my day. Hannah had a doctor appointment too, so we got to spend some quality time together while the littler ones stayed with a friend.

At my doctor appointment, I found out that I am between 4 and 5 cms dilated. This was a big shock to me. I had my expectations low because my contractions died out the last couple of days. I asked the midwife to strip my membranes because that is the only way I have ever avoided a (Pitocin) induction.

Then I had a non stress test. Drew looked great, but big. The lady doing the test took one look at me and said, "Wow, were all your babies big?" On the ultrasound, his foot looked huge! The doctor that saw me after the test told me I could stay and they could get my contractions more regular, but I declined. He was very nice and agreeable about that. Since we are still trying to avoid induction, I moved my Monday induction to Thursday and set up two non stress tests on Monday and Wednesday just in case. How much bigger can the baby get in a few days? Hopefully, not much!

It is kind of promising that I am nearly halfway dilated and have had minimal pain. So I am going to go to sleep tonight praying for pain, I guess. Well, regular and stronger contractions, technically.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Drew is a lot more than a Speck now! Praying for those contractions ... and a Pitocin-free, safe delivery for you both!