Tuesday, September 6, 2011

At least I have something to show for it...

Even if it isn't a beautiful baby boy...yet. I took advantage of the extra time God seems to be giving me before Drew comes in and takes over our lives for a good while, and here is what I did with it...

I finished the last bit on his stocking and embroidered his name. At least Drew won't have to go two Christmases without a completed stocking. Too bad he won't notice this fact. I am definitely doing the stocking when I am pregnant from now on. It didn't take half as long as Isaac's.

Also Brian and I completed the last part of the nursery, only a minor addition. As is typical in this type of project, I design and direct and he implements and puts in the blood, sweat, and tears (Well, I add the tears!) Here is the finishing touch.

It is a painting that my grandfather did. We hung it using a beer bottle cap that has lighthouses on it glued to a nail, which I just realized you can't see in this picture.

The nursery: View one

View two (Ignore the bags packed and the gifts for the hospital stacked on the bed! I didn't have the energy to move them for the picture.)

The details
This shelf was designed by me and made by my wonderfully talented, wood working husband. I would like to credit my neighbor and her visiting mom for ideas on how to cover the screws on the oar. The wooden name and accessories from Micheal's turned out beautifully! The lighthouse painted on wood and the oar came from the antique shopping we did on our little 10th anniversary getaway this summer. The saiboat came from my family beach trip in Padre Island this summer.

Fixed the mobile.

Notice I changed the mobile and made the hoop more sturdy and not so ghetto. I nearly hit myself in the face when I saw this post right after finishing the mobile the first time and being disappointed with the ghetto-ness of it. Seriously! Why didn't I think of that? I have a million and one embroidery hoops! So I replaced my rectangular hoop with the yarn-wrapped embroidery hoop, but I am still looking for a way to make the individual pieces of the mobile spin freely instead of settle one way and just stay there. I am on the look out for those rings she used on the Filth Wizardry blog so I can wrap them in yarn and call it "perfect."

We also went ahead with school today even though Brian was home today because we need as many days under our belt as possible. Hannah is working on memorizing her 10 and under subtraction facts, on her fourth week spelling list, getting better and better at handwriting everyday, and studying ancient Egypt and learning about nouns. Genevieve is working on adding tens and ones, writing her little a's, d's, and g's, reading her 100 books aloud, and also studying ancient Egypt and learning about nouns. Isaac (with his sisters also) is on his fourth Five in a Row book, Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. He learned last week and is continuing to learn this week (until his new book comes into the library) about the following concepts from this book: definitions of steward, canal, cellar, greedy, and boast; where to find the copyright date in a book, what the setting of a story is, reviewed the definition of a classic story, and learned to draw trees like in this book.

Isaac's first trees! His name got a little out of order here since he was on his own for this activity once I gave him the instructions. It is so great that he can do some things on his own now and turn in his assignments to me while I am teaching the girls.

How is my bun in the oven, besides getting a little well-done? He seems to have turned from posterior to the way he is supposed to be over the course of last night (with many, many good contractions) which is really good news because a posterior baby makes for a long, long labor. (I have at least one friend that can attest to that!) I know this because his bottom has been settled on my right side for a good while now, and it is now front and center. Hope he stays that way until he comes out!

That's all folks!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Drew's going to love his nursery! Hope he paddles in soon! :)