Thursday, September 15, 2011

He's finally here! The biggest misnomer ever!

Andrew "Drew" William was born at 6:09pm on September 13th, 2011. His nickname, "Speck," may be the biggest misnomer ever since he weighed in at 10 lbs 6 ozs and measured 21 7/8inches long. His head circumference was 37 cms. He set the record for my biggest baby ever by 2 ounces.

He has blue eyes for now, dark brown/almost black hair, and a dimple in his chin. All of which I predicted, with the exception of the dimple being in his chin instead of his cheeks.

As you can see he has some chub to spare which is good because my milk doesn't typically come in before three full 24 hour days have passed.

I am doing well, and Drew is healthy as a horse!

Thank you for your patience! The hospital did not have wireless internet like we thought, but we are home now. Be prepared for a long string of posts about our new cutie and his birth with lots more pictures to come. After all, we took around 200 pictures of him in the hospital!


Kristen said...

Oh I am SOOO happy for you guys! What a cute little chunk! Many blessings to you. I have been praying since your last post. ;)

Jennifer said...

Seriously--he is the BIGGEST newborn I've ever seen! You're amazing.