Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Sponge Bath

We still have the umbilical cord and the circumcision site to keep dry so it was sponge bath for Drew. His rash is still there so I had to be extra gentle when bathing him, but he was starting to smell less like a sweet baby and more like spit up. Sponge bath, here we come!

Hannah took these first pictures for me. He loved getting his hair washed.

And, of course, he loved the kisses from Mommy.

However, don't be fooled by the above pictures, this is how most of the bath went...

Happy as a clam when it was all over though.

I just LOVE that chin! Anybody else have an insane urge to kiss these cheeks?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love that chin, too! He is so beautiful, Kelle!