Monday, September 12, 2011

Not the day I wanted anyway

Who wants to have a baby on 9-11 anyway, right? I have my NST tomorrow and we will se how things go from there and what the doctor says. Otherwise, nothing new to report today on the baby front.

We were able to go to our homeschool party this evening, you know, since I am not in the hospital. It was a celebration of the Blessed Mother's birthday. We all had a great time! The kids really loved the egg toss, mostly because the eggs didn't break easily and no one got covered in egg goo. You know how much Hannah would have liked that.

I haven't been great about taking pictures lately, but I did snap one today. Isaac just looked too cute cuddling with Daddy while talking to his Mimi on the phone in front of the football game. Something about this little guy that really has me wrapped around his finger. He needs a brother to take some of the kisses I smother him with. He has resorted to "smoothing on" some kisses, but other he takes off and saves on his special pillow. "Smoothing on" is what we call it when we rub it on to keep it on for a long time. This started because I wiped at one of his slobbery kisses, and he thought I was wiping it off. I quickly reassured him that I was "smoothing it on" so it would stay on longer. Oh, and part of my enchantment with this boy could be that he so frequently tells me that I am beautiful with his smile that is all cheeks. Who wouldn't be completely in love with a boy like this?


Jennifer said...

I'll have to remember that! I've already caught myself turning away to wipe off the slobber so C won't see me. :)

Rich said...

We're up here at the hospital after having our 9/11 baby only by 24 minutes (12:24AM Sunday morning...I swear Mary was trying to beat the clock, but it wasn't meant to be). You're a very patient Mommy for waiting, and Mary says to tell you we are praying for you and your family.

Keep us posted!

Kelle said...

Congratulations, Rich! I saw your Max on the Riddle's blog. Adorable! I hope Mary is feeling well. She is such a champ! Tell her I am so glad all is well for you guys and Max. And thank you so much for the prayers! I hope we are doing the right thing by waiting.

PS I was only kidding about not wanting a baby on 9-11. Just trying to make myself feel better for it not happening. :) I would take a healthy baby any day!

Rich said...

Hey Kelle,

Are you able to view our blog? I asked Mary, and she said she thought she verified you as a viewer. Let me know if not, and we can fix that. I posted a ton of photos of Max on there. =)