Friday, September 2, 2011

My due date, and...

no baby yet! I went to the doctor yesterday. My induction date is set for September 12th, the latest they will let me go. I am praying we don't make it there, like with Isaac. I have a Non Stress Test and an ultrasound scheduled for September 9th to check on the baby. His heart rate was up to a more normal range which is good and reassuring for me. However, what is not reassuring is how very not dilated I am, only 1 cm (50% effaced and -2 station). On Isaac's due date, I was 3 cms, and he still was 10 days late. My husband keeps telling me this means nothing and labor can start anytime, but it is discouraging, none the less.

We had Mass today with a group of homeschoolers at a different parish. Then we socialized until after lunch. So, no school today, but Fridays are usually light days of catching up and tests anyway. I figure we probably are going to have all next week to do school before the baby comes and that I deserved the day off since it's my official due date.


Kristen said...

Hang in there!

Rich said...

We're nearing blast off, too. Contractions this morning. Who knows, maybe they'll have the same birthday!